Proof Copy
The window from proofing directory listings is now closed.
The first edition of the directory is set to be released online in early September.
Click here to make your contribution through the Hawthorne Valley Association's secure website. Find the designation "Wisdom Working" in the drop-down window. See the bottom of this page for the mailing address to send a check. Most of our contributions thus far have been between $100 - $500.
What is the Criteria for Inclusion?
We are seeking to compile a working list of all of the individuals and organizations that are conducting professional work that flows from the insights and legacy of Rudolf Steiner and are located (or their products/services are located) within or near the Hudson Valley Watershed.
That's Me or My Organization!
How do we Know if We're Going to be Included?
While we are attempting to be as comprehensive as possible, we're well aware that we don't yet have information for all of the incredible initiatives working out of anthroposophy in the region. You can help by emailing us your information and spreading the word among other individuals and organizations that you know should be included.
Email the following to
• Name of Initiative
• Mailing Address (if not applicable, please include a town or list of places that carry your product or services)
• Email
• Telephone number
• Website
• A 50 word or less description of the work taking place at your initiative.
• A copy of your logo (if you have one) for possible use on the on-line platform.
• One or two print resolution images of you at work or your organization in activity (optional).
How is this Directory Being Funded?
This directory is only possible with your financial support. If everyone contributes a fraction of the value that this outreach and communication tool will provide - the entire regional network will benefit greatly! Click here to make your contribution through the Hawthorne Valley Association's secure website. Find the designation "Wisdom Working" for your tax-exempt donation. See the bottom of the page for the address to mail a check.
Why Does This Project Deserve my (or my Organization's) Support?
Your financial underwriting will help tens of thousands of Waldorf School families, farmer's market customers, holistic medical patients, spiritual seekers and new allies of all sorts discover the initiatives listed in the directory. We will continue update, added to, and expand this online directory.
Where Do I Send my Donation by Mail?
Hawthorne Valley Association
Development Office
327 County Route 21C
Ghent, NY 12075
Please make checks payable to Hawthorne Valley Association, with the designation "Wisdom Working" in the memo section of your check.
Thank You for Your Interest, Enthusiasm and Support!