“Original Video (Above)
Original Notes (Below)”
Angela Foster on May 19, 2020/1987: “I have been thinking about Hazel’s last slide when she spoke about how reading fairy tales at night can be an antidote to some of the challenges we are dealing with now. For weeks I have been pondering how we, as anthroposophers, can really take up Goethe’s Fairy Tale of the Green Snake and the Beautiful Lily to help us now. Rudolf Steiner said that the whole of anthroposophy is contained in Goethe’s fairy tale! I will continue considering ways that we might access this in a new-community way…”
Hazel Archer Ginsberg on Ascension Sunday, 2020:
“If we start to follow our thinking in a state of tranquil contemplation, with attention centered within the heart, a message may begin to unfold. The spiritual center of our earthly existence resonates as subtle currents in the form of a Being of Light, which can continue to work towards its own transformation. The lifelines of this emerging form collect at the base of the spine & become a bearer of this eternal grace, moving dynamically into the heart-center, where, in a system of vibratory circles, all the forces intersect & concentrate themselves. This center is the source of the inner fire of unending love. We are the gold at the end of the rainbow, a radiant aura of Light & color, able to receive the powerful beam of currents from the cosmos. We rise in our thinking & Spirit descends – strikes the center & directly generates a harmoniously vibrating spiritual body-field. All is weaving, pulsating rhythm, enshrined in the circle, the logo of infinity. The sign of unity is accomplished 1st in the vertical, meeting the horizontal at the crossroads, which then births the center – the spiritual heart, the true “I”, where we must cultivate the offering of the 7 Roses, whose fragrance wafts out, feeding all worlds -a new garden – a verdant network of subtle being – fresh formative forces of light, thru which harmony unfolds, blossoms & ripens. All is striving movement – intuitive, Wisdom-filled transformation, on a plane that is free of the sleep of the unexamined life. The result is that the field of inner, heart-vision can be extended toward others & the world. If we contemplate these energies, these imaginations, these thoughts, in reverent, open minded love, we can create a conscious transition – from slave to sovereign – from shroud to crown – from a matter-bound human being in space, to a Being of Light – We become: Anthroposophia – in time out of time, NOW. ~hag https://reverseritual.com/after-image/